– If you’re going to get a whole pomegranate and get the seeds out yourself, and not just buy the aerials themselves at the grocery store, I recommend doing that first. To prepare a pomegranate, fill either a large bowl or your sink with water, cut the very top off the fruit, and then score the outer-most layer of the skin as if you were going to cut a quarter off the fruit. Holding it over the water, peel the scored section off the fruit, and then pull the fruit apart, in half. You can hold the halved pom firmly in one hand over the water, and belt its backside with a wooden spoon to knock the seeds loose, or continue to break the fruit up and gently knock the seeds loose with your fingers. The seeds will sink to the bottom and any of the foamy, pithy membrane that traps them will float to the top, making it easy to separate it from the seeds before draining the bowl.
– Most halloumi, in my experience, has been gluten free AND rennet free so it’s suitable for vegetarians and people with gluten issues. Double check your brand, though, if it’s a concern. (And the same goes for vinegar with regards to being gluten free).